NatureLand Organics Masur Whole is that food ingredient which is always kept stored in every Indian home. Its unique buttery taste with a creamy consistency makes it a nourishing dish. Masur whole dal has the richest amount of Vitamins and Minerals that makes the dish delicious and a healthy option for your meals.
Product Details:
- NatureLand Organics Masur Dal is grown using natural and organic farming practices, ensuring it is free from synthetic chemicals and GMOs, preserving its purity and authenticity.
- Daily Need Products For A Healthy And Energetic Life.
- Whole Masoor is one of the small and good source of cholesterol-lowering fiber from List of Indian Dals.
- sourced from organic farmer groups in Uttaranchal and Madhya Pradesh.
- It is machine cleaned and handpicked.
- Best Organic Grocery And Gourmet in india.
Seller | Organic Planet |