Iceberg Lettuce, 500 g (From Spain)


Country of Origin: Spain

Iceberg Lettuce, 500 g (From Spain)
In stock
AED 17.10
  • Iceberg Lettuce is a crisp and refreshing variety of lettuce that is a staple in salads and sandwiches. With its signature crunchy texture and mild flavor, it is a favorite among both adults and children.
  • These nutrients help support a Good immune system, promote strong bones, and aid in digestion.
  • But its not just their nutritional value that makes Iceberg a must-try. Its crisp and refreshing taste adds a satisfying crunch to any dish. It can also hold up well to heavier dressings and toppings, making it a versatile choice for salads and sandwiches.
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Seller Quality Food
Iceberg Lettuce, 500 g (From Spain)